Sunday, May 27, 2012

35 days counting...

So P-diddy is going into basic training July 2nd and we are in the middle of trying to sell our home so wherever we go, we won't have a house to take care of here in Utah. Feeling pretty overwhelmed by everything right now but I am still really excited! Trying to figure out where to live; fortunately I have a sister in Phoenix who says I may be able to live with her so I can save the money the A.F. gives us for housing. Not gonna lie, I am planning on using some of the moolah I save to buy a new wardrobe! Woot woot! 
As far as my arthritis goes right now, I am getting so much better! I was able to run a mile a week and a half ago! ME. A MILE. It was great! But then I went on vacation and kind of lost some of my progress by not eating the things I was suppose to and not doing a good job staying on top of my vitamins.  I need to get back on that band wagon and get as healthy as I can in the 35 days before P-diddy leaves.
Most of all I need to endure in my faith that I can and will get better because that was a promise my Heavenly Father made with me through blessings I have received. As long as I study the scriptures and pray morning and night and keep my relationship with Him tight, I can do anything. 

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