Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Yes it has been forever-Now it's time for a NEW endeavor!!!!

I am starting a video diary of my journey through Rheumatoid Arthritis and fighting back. First of all here is some the background ; about 3 years ago I was newly married and had recently been diagnosed with R.A. Honestly I thought my life was over. (You would think your life was over too if your doctor told you were going to be crippled in 6 months if you didn't get on a cancer medication.) At this time I was also pregnant with Rilee and he continued his scary future telling by telling me if I did nothing and didn't get on Metheltrexate that I wouldn't be able to hold my baby girl. I was devastated! I wanted to breastfeed but on the Metheltrexate that is deadly so I was only able to for 4 months before my joints were hurting unbearably. I started taking the drug orally and was so sick I had to have my friend Michele come by and help me take care of Rilee. All I could do was throw up and try to sleep. Most days I was on the floor hunched over in nauseous pain. My joint pain, though feeling like broken bones was better than this kind of pain. My husbands Aunt told me about a Doctor in Provo that could help me without the harmful effects of those other drugs in my body. I went to see him and he told me a HUGE secret! Medical doctors are NOT always right!
He told me that when one goes to medical school the first little bit is how to heal the person. The majority is business and they teach their students that from the time you meet the patient to the time they prescribe you something , is 6 minutes. He continued to tell me that he was one of these "drone" doctors for almost 20 years, until he realized something. He should be continuously getting NEW patients. They shouldn't be coming back because they should be getting better, and how it didn't make sense to him thatt what he was prescribing wasn't making them get better. He had to renew prescriptions all the time! That got him thinking that he should restudy how to heal. Do you realize that no doctors ever ask "why are you having these symptoms?" rather than " Oh you have this symptom so we'll give you this drug." And do the doctors research your symptoms? NO! They research the drug that your suppose to take for that symptom and most cause worse problems than the problem you started with.
Through my Provo doctor, I have discovered that there is a cure for arthritis and it starts with me and some old fashioned work.
Through Dr. Provo (I obviously changed his name for privacy reasons) I was recommended to Mia. She has been diagnosed with everything you can think of and was also given only 6 months to live! She has shared with me, the supplements I need to regain my life back and to help me live again.
Here's the hard part, it only works if you are on a very strict diet. No flour (not even gluten free), no sugar, no corn, no dairy and add the supplements to rebuild your system and it should take 4-6 months to recover.!
This is my start of those 4-6 months! I want to see if it works and post how I am doing through video dairies. I have a stiff elbow and I am promised that it will loosen up on it's own and straighten out without surgery. This is going to be a process because I have many things to overcome. Mostly my addiction to sugar. Wish me luck y'all!

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